Effect of a Signaling System of Plant on Gene Interaction in Inheritance of Root System Characteristics of Arabidopsis Thaliana (L.) Heynh

Author Details

Sergei Hablak, Yana Abdullaeva

Journal Details


Published: 3 April 2018 | Article Type :


Results of a study of the plant signalling system interconnection and gene interaction in inheritance of characteristics of Arabidopsis root system are presented. On the basis of the relationship between the signaling system of the plant and the interaction of genes in the inheritance of the signs, the concept of the mechanism of interaction of genes has been improved. Gene interaction problem is closely related to the plant development regulation signalling system. Mechanism involved in gene interaction may be explained based on current idea of molecular principles of biological response. Genes controlling signalling paths and causing development of a characteristic or a response may be conventionally divided into two large groups: 1. genes responsible for signal perception and transmission inside the cell; 2. genes directly ensuring implementation of response to a signal, i.e. so-called primary and secondary response genes. Genes from the first group encode protein receptors that percept a certain signal of chemical or physical origin, including special proteins (for example, G-proteins, protein kinases, protein phosphatases), some low-molecular compounds included into the cascade system of messenger molecules that transmit the perceived signal into the cell nucleus. Genes from the second group control transcription factors that regulate expression of certain genes, and response to the signal. Affected by mutations occurring in various genes that control certain links of the signalling chain, signalling path to the cell nucleus and response are blocked partially or in full which leads to distortion in manifestation of the characteristic on the plant level in general or its organ level. Such phenomenon is observed in realization of many characteristics in animals and plants, including in A. thaliana.It is established that recessive epistasis (alf3-1 alf3-1 > CTR1_) is observed in the second crossing generation for plants of ctr1-1 х alf3-1 mutant lines. When nph4-1 x iar2-1 mutant-line plants are crossed, polymeric interaction of genes NPH4 and IAR2 occurs in F2 generation.

Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., root system, gene, mutation, gene interaction, signalling system.

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How to Cite


Sergei Hablak, Yana Abdullaeva. (2018-04-03). "Effect of a Signaling System of Plant on Gene Interaction in Inheritance of Root System Characteristics of Arabidopsis Thaliana (L.) Heynh." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-5